Always free tier, access to server logs for web analytics, configurable MIME (XHTML). Limitations — HTTPS is not free, starts at $18.25/month. Each step documented and is a little bit verbose but surprisingly simple.
Lets start.
Google Search Console's Domain verification method requires TXT record, that would be shadowed by CNAME in the next step. I have to use URL prefix — put a small file in my root.
In domain registrar console set CNAME to connect domain to Cloud Storage:
$ yay -Ss google-cloud-sdk $ gcloud init You must log in to continue. Would you like to log in (Y/n)? Y
$ gsutil mb -b on gs:// $ gsutil iam ch allUsers:objectViewer gs:// $ gsutil web set -m index.html -e 404.html gs:// $ gsutil cp index.html gs:// $ gsutil cp 404.html gs:// Copying file://404.html [Content-Type=text/html]...
Content Type is derived from source extension. I store it in xattr
$ cat getmime #!/bin/sh getfattr -n user.mime_type --only-values $1 $ cat setmime #!/bin/sh setfattr -n user.mime_type -v $1 $2 $ cat cp #!/bin/sh gsutil -h "Content-Type:$(./getmime $1)" cp $1 gs://$1 $ touch foo $ ./setmime 'application/xhtml+xml' foo $ ./cp foo Copying file://foo [Content-Type=application/xhtml+xml]...
Create another bucket to store logs, gave GCS permission to write logs, enable logging:
$ gsutil mb gs://sergeykish-logs $ gsutil acl ch -g gs://sergeykish-logs $ gsutil logging set on -b gs://sergeykish-logs gs://
Download logs
$ gsutil rsync -r gs://sergeykish-logs logs
$ pacman -S goaccess
Use Google Cloud Storage format:
$ cat ~/.goaccessrc # Google Cloud Storage time-format %f date-format %f log-format "%x","%h",%^,%^,"%m","%U","%s",%^,"%b","%D",%^,"%R","%u"
Each file starts with a header:
$ goaccess logs/sergeykish.com_usage_2020_05_* Parsed 1 lines producing the following errors: Token 'time_micros' doesn't match specifier '%x' Format Errors - Verify your log/date/time format
A few strategies to remove it:
tail -n +2 logs/sergeykish.com_usage_* | goaccess sed '1d' logs/sergeykish.com_usage_* | goaccess
But sed
can also remove my IP, HEAD and POST requests:
$ cat report #!/bin/sh # sed treats multiple input files as one long stream. # -s, --separate # consider files as separate rather than as a single, continuous long stream. sed -s '1d;/;/,"HEAD",/d;/,"POST",/d' logs/sergeykish.com_usage_* | goaccess -o report.html
Check today only data:
$ cat report-today #!/bin/sh sed -s '1d;/;/,"HEAD",/d;/,"POST",/d' logs/sergeykish.com_usage_$(date +%Y_%m_%d)_* | goaccess -o report-today.html