Find in <head>, <script>, <style>

Quite a lot of browsers have a trouble finding content in <script> and <style>. Makes live authoring code navigation a bit harder than it should.

I've made a test case and run a quick compatibility check. Opera and Chrome had amazing support. Edge switched to Blink but still matches IE11 behavior.

ChromeEdgeHTMLFirefoxInternet ExplorerOpera
head title…28…72…73…851875115-10…15…67
head script…28…72…73851875119,10…15…67
head style…28…72…73851875119,10…15…67
body script…28…72…7385…1875…119,10…15…67
body style…28…72…7385…18…3…75…119,10…15…67

Bug tracking: